Wednesday 13 October 2010

Daniel in the Nakuru National Park. Sleeping less than 1km from lions with no fence or anything!

Loving the Tim of Arabia headwear thing.

Daniel and his new sling.

Talking to Papa by the fire and one of his teachers - Hannah Mutlow


  1. we love you.............................LOTS !!!!!!!! what lovely photos, but the lions are SCARY.... I hope you weren't too frightened !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Dearest Daniel
    I hope you are having a great half term break - we are looking forward to speaking to you again very soon on skype. Don't forget that God is with you all the time and is looking after you! Just like he's looking after us back home! Give uncle Tim a BIG hug from us all - make sure he's good, ok? Lots and lots of love from papa

  3. Wow wow wow wow woweeeee! AMAZING! Daniel you must be having so much fun! And you are so brave to sleep without a fence so close to lions (either that or Uncle Tim isn't so responsible... I hope he is protecting you!) How is Africa going? I'm learning lots about Africa at the moment so thinking of you lots!

    How is school? Have you made lots of amazing new friends? What are your teachers like? How well can you aim with your new sling?

    Praying for you and sending you love all the way from sunny (and mostly rainy) England,

    Big hug,

    Helen (r)

  4. dearest Daniel
    I love you with all my heart and am praying for you. The last 2 days I have been in Oxford and I am now in a bus on the way to get the Eurostar back home. It's good, but not as exciting as Africa!
    Lots of love

  5. Hi Daniel, it's Alice :) it looks like you're having lots of fun...and well done in your cross country, thats amazing! I'm at your house here in France this week, and it feels strange without you here. Hope you see lots more exciting animals :) praying for you, and hopefully see you soon!
    Alice xxx
